What are the benefits of doing regular low back muscle exercises?

Exercising the lower back muscles has many benefits, and there are many ways to exercise the lower back muscles. However, many people do not know what the benefits of exercising the lower back muscles are. So what are the benefits of exercising the lower back muscles? I believe it is Someone knows it. So, what are the benefits of doing regular low back muscle exercises? Let’s take a look at the benefits below!

Goat Stand Up

What are the benefits of low back muscle exercise

The low back muscles maintain the stability of the lumbar spine One of the important structures, strong lower back muscles are like a powerful protective umbrella for the spine, helping to maintain and enhance the stability of the spine, and can effectively prevent the occurrence of acute and chronic waist injuries and low back pain. For patients who have experienced lumbar spine diseases such as acute or chronic lumbar muscle injury, lumbar myofasciitis, lumbar muscle strain, or lumbar disc herniation, strengthening the exercise of the lumbar back muscles is even more critical for disease recovery.

Low back muscle training method

1. Goat stand-up

Lie prone on the equipment rack, keep your body naturally bent downward and feel the stretch in your lower back Feel (bend downward naturally and choose the bending angle according to your personal physical condition), and cross your hands on your chest. Then concentrate on the strength of the lower back muscles to straighten the upper body, keep the upper body parallel to the ground, pause for a moment, and then slowly return to the starting position.

2. Reverse wood chopping

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width, hold the rope (dumbbell, freehand) with both hands straight and place it on your side, keeping the center of gravity down to The knees should be at a 90-degree angle (the angle of the knees when squatting can be selected according to your own situation). Then concentrate on the strength of the waist muscles to lift the rope diagonally upward from the side of the body until it is flush with the other side of the body, pause for a moment, and then slowly return to the starting position.