Good exercise for biceps: reverse curl

Speaking of biceps training, the first thing that everyone may think of is various curl training. Barbell curls, dumbbell curls, standing, sitting, lying down, all kinds!

But today I want to introduce you to a new way to exercise your biceps: reverse curls!

Reverse curl:Use your own body weight for curl training!

The advantage of the reverse curl is that it exercises your biceps while developing your core strength!

You need to fight your own body weight, your biceps will be strongly stimulated, and you also need to activate your core muscles to maintain the stability of your spine and pelvis during the movement! It can be said that one fish eats many!

How to do it?

1.You can choose rings, TRX, fixed barbells, Smith racks and more!

2. As shown in the picture: Grasp the handle with both hands and move the body backward! Tighten your abdomen and hips to keep your body in a straight line!

3. With the upper arm fixed, the biceps contract and the elbow bends to pull the body upward! Stay at the top of the action for 2 seconds and then play it back slowly!


1. The core muscles must be tightened, don’t be lazy, fight against gravity, ensure that the spine is not flexed and the pelvis is in a neutral position!

2.The closer the body is parallel to the ground, the more difficult the movement will be. You can choose the difficulty level by yourself!

3. Make sure your upper arms are fixed!