The Best Butt Exercise: HIP THRUST

What is a hip thrust HIP THRUST??

Hip thrust you can do it Think of it as an enhanced version of the glute bridge! Imagine sprinting specifically for the butt. It can powerfully develop our hip muscles (hip extension strength)

This action is famous from the United States Invented and promoted by trainer Bret Contreras, it is known as the best butt exercise! Bret Contreras is known as the Butt Guy, and he is dedicated to researching how to better exercise our buttocks!

Benefits of hip thrust exercises

1. Improve the size, strength and appearance of the buttocks.

2. Improve sports performance (the gluteus maximus is the engine in sports)

3. Increase the "lockout" explosive power at the bottom of squats and deadlifts.

4. Improve the overall function of the body, because hip function will affect the mechanics of the soles of the feet, ankles, knees, hip joints, pelvis and lower back.

How to perform a hip thrust?

Tool preparation: Check out the tools Bret Contreras prepares for hip thrusts!

Preparation position

1.Back to back The height of the chair

Bret Contreras recommends about 16 inches (about 40cm), but the suitable height for each person is affected by the height and the length of the upper body torso.

2.The lower edge of the scapula should be fixed against the chair as a fulcrum and should not slide up or down.

3. Keep your feet moderately apart or slightly wider than shoulder width. The toes can be pointed forward or slightly outward.

4. The position of the barbell: approximately the groove above the anterior superior iliac spine (the convex bone that you feel when you put your hands on your hips).

5. Position of the head and neck: The neck can be slightly flexed and the eyes look straight ahead, which helps to avoid excessive extension of the lumbar spine and anterior pelvic tilt.

6. Protect hip joints: In addition to using a yoga mat or thick towel to wrap the barbell

How to put the barbell on yourself?

When using a larger diameter bar, there is enough space under the barbell to roll over the top of the thighs to the starting position.

If the diameter of the bar is too small to roll over, you can choose to ask someone to help place it

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Notes on movements:

1. Move your bodyMove into position and take a deep breath before starting to lift (concentric contraction).

2. At the top of the movement (the hip joint is fully extended), the calf is approximately perpendicular to the ground (a slight angle difference is allowed).

3. The barbell can be held with an overhand or underhand grip.

4. The knees should not be pinched inward, and the direction of knee movement should be consistent with the direction of the toes.

5. During the movement, you can keep the soles of your feet on the ground, or raise your toes and use your heels as a fulcrum (Push through the heels). But don't tip your toes so your heels are off the ground.

6. Do not arch the ribs to avoid injury due to overextension of the lumbar spine and anterior pelvic tilt.

7. The hip thrust is mainly a hip-dominated movement, using the power of the hips to push the trunk upward.

8. Don’t lift the weight suddenly, keep the movement smooth. And when eccentrically contracting (putting down the barbell), the tension of the hip muscles must also be maintained. When performing the next repeated movement, the butt can touch the ground first, or you can start the next movement in the opposite direction while in mid-air.

9. During the last push, you can maintain isometric contraction at the top of the movement for 3-10 seconds , to enhance the mobility of the hip joint.

10. Before starting to bear weight, be sure to familiarize yourself with the movement with your own weight.

Common mistakes:

1. Excessive arching of the lower back: often occurs when lifting heavy weights. Try to lower the weight and tighten the core to allow the hip joints to move instead of the lumbar spine.

2. Hip joint extension activities. Insuffient hip extension: Try lowering the weight and stretching the hip flexors before starting training

3. Lifting the weight vigorously without stable control: Try lowering the weight. , first make the movements stable and smooth, and then increase the intensity.